For sale Land 206,000 EUR    Istra, Puntera, attractive urbanized land 1985 m2
For sale Land 337,860 EUR    Sveta Nedelja, building plot 3754 m2 within (I) Industrial use
For sale Land 99,000 EUR    Zadar, Silba, building plot 617m2 with building permit in a wonderful location
For sale Land 175,000 EUR    Zagreb, Sestine, building land, 1383m2
For sale Land 330,000 EUR    Omiš, Duće - building land for the construction of two villas
For sale Land 29,310 EUR    Brač, Milna, olive grove with a view, total area of 2931 m²
For sale Land 565,000 EUR    Non-structural plot Pomer, Medulin, 11.000m2
For sale Land 255,000 EUR    ISTRIA, LABIN - Building plot 5700 m2 in a secluded area
For sale Land 135,000 EUR    Building plot Labin, 5.750m2
Building plot Labin, 5.750m2
Labin, Hrvatska

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