For sale Land 26,520 EUR    Istria, Poreč, agricultural land 700m from the sea
For sale Land 65,000 EUR    Punta Kriza, Island Cres - Agricultural (forest), 8120 m2
For sale Land 350,000 EUR    RIJEKA,JURDANI,BUILDIN LAND,10153M2
Matulji, Hrvatska
For sale Land 110,000 EUR    Punta Kriza, Island Cres - Building land, 645 m2
For sale Land 1,110,000 EUR    Punta Kriza, Island Cres - Building land, 4435 m2
For sale Land 118,000 EUR    RIJEKA,MUČIĆI,BUILDING LAND,1953M2
For sale Land 211,000 EUR    RIJEKA,GROBNIK,BUILDING LAND,3504M2
For sale Land 35,000 EUR    Cres, Stivan - Agricultural, 748 M2
For sale Land 800,000 EUR    Osor, Lošinj - Land, 23363 m2
Osor, Lošinj - Land, 23363 m2
Mali Lošinj, Hrvatska
For sale Land 540,000 EUR    Punta Kriza, Island Cres - Land, 76133 m2
Punta Kriza, Island Cres - Land, 76133 m2
Mali Lošinj, Hrvatska
For sale Land 100,000 EUR    Ustrine, Island Cres - Agricultural, 14960 m2
For sale Land 124,000 EUR    RIJEKA,BREŠCA,BUILDING LAND,1360M2
Matulji, Hrvatska
For sale Land 195,000 EUR    RIJEKA,RUBEŠI,BUILDING LAND,2100M2

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