For sale Land 170,000 EUR    Building plot Pleso, Velika Gorica, 2.264m2
Building plot Pleso, Velika Gorica, 2.264m2
Velika Gorica, Hrvatska
For sale Land 44,000 EUR    Building plot Stara Sušica, Ravna Gora, 4.760m2
For sale Land 22,500 EUR    Non-structural plot Peroj, Vodnjan, 500m2
For sale Land 89,000 EUR    Building plot Kanfanar, 796m2
Building plot Kanfanar, 796m2
Kanfanar, Hrvatska
For sale Land 86,800 EUR    Non-structural plot Krmed, Bale, 17.360m2
For sale Land 470,000 EUR    Building plot Tinjan, 7.000m2
Building plot Tinjan, 7.000m2
Tinjan, Hrvatska
For sale Land 463,000 EUR    Building plot Višnjan, 3.296m2
Building plot Višnjan, 3.296m2
Višnjan, Hrvatska
For sale Land 349,000 EUR    Building plot Poreč, 500m2
Building plot Poreč, 500m2
Poreč, Hrvatska
For sale Land 370,000 EUR    Building plot Rovinjsko Selo, Rovinj, 1.350m2
For sale Land 145,000 EUR    Building plot Režanci, Svetvinčenat, 1.882m2
For sale Land 35,000 EUR    Non-structural plot Foli, Svetvinčenat, 2.158m2
For sale Land 53,350 EUR    Building plot Karojba, 1.524m2
Building plot Karojba, 1.524m2
Karojba, Hrvatska
For sale Land 85,000 EUR    Building plot Markuševec, Podsljeme, 568m2
For sale Land 13,000 EUR    Non-structural plot Donji Trpuci, Brezovica, 1.241m2

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