For sale Land 85,000 EUR    Land near Vodnjan, building permit!
For sale Land 80,000 EUR    Land with building permit in the vicinity of Vodnjan!
For sale Land 40,000 EUR    Land Pićan, 665m2
Land Pićan, 665m2
Pićan, Hrvatska
For sale Land 155,000 EUR    Land Pićan, 2.662m2
Land Pićan, 2.662m2
Pićan, Hrvatska
For sale Land 177,000 EUR    Oprtalj, surroundings! Building plot with ruins in a quiet location!
For sale Land 152,500 EUR    Land Pićan, 2.941m2
Land Pićan, 2.941m2
Pićan, Hrvatska
For sale Land 280,000 EUR    Barban, a spacious complex plot of land near the sea
For sale Land 135,000 EUR    Svetvinčenat, surroundings, land with building permit
For sale Land 100,000 EUR    Labin, excellent building land near the city
For sale Land 160,000 EUR    Marčana, attractive land with a sea view
For sale Land 85,000 EUR    Umag, surroundings! Building land in a quiet location!
For sale Land 38,000 EUR    An agricultural paradise in the heart of Istria
For sale Land 99,000 EUR    Large building plot near Labin
Large building plot near Labin
Sveta Nedelja, Hrvatska
For sale Land 64,000 EUR    Excellent building land 500 meters from the sea

Land for sale and rent : Explore our extensive list of real estate listings on 'Prodaja nekretnina' featuring 23035 Land for sale and rent in the desired area ( ). Simplify your search for the perfect property using our quick filters. Find Land for sale and rent adapted to your desired price range and square footage. Browse detailed listings with accompanying pictures to easily identify Land that suit your needs. By clicking on the icon save a database of your favorites Land for sale and rent and view them later. Save your property search by clicking the button and you will receive notifications by email as soon as new ads appear that meet your required criteria for the property of your dreams. Discover your dream property today among our extensive selection of real estate listings!

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